Thursday, March 30, 2006

Jamaica's First Woman Leader

Portia Simpson Miller is becoming the first woman Prime Minister (head of the country) of Jamaica. The detailed report can be read here .

"She is seen as someone who has really risen through the ranks of the party, coming from a very, very poor section of Jamaica... to the top post," Radio Jamaica's Kathy Barrett told the BBC.

"She's a woman who's very determined, a firebrand type of politician who has really hit home when it comes to the majority of people - especially women, the poor and the unemployed." .

From South America to Carribeans, from Europe to Asia, women have occupied and is still occupying head of state positions. Even Canada had a woman Prime Minister, Kim Campbell. There are many countries in Europe where women hold defence or sports ministers positions; such positions are often occupied by men even when the head of the state is an woman.

When is the USA going to have a woman President or atleast a woman as the defence secretary?

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